Saturday, 14 January 2012

The Body – Idea developing

This project task is to take a portrait of either: An individual form the local community who lives or works in the Medway towns or a member of Staff or a Student from another course from UCA. Of course person will be unknown to me. My plan is, to spend some time in Rochester city, maybe in parks and try to find a person, which will be interesting personage to me and of course to try to ask him come to studio for a portrait. This is will be most difficult task for me this semester. To get into conversation will be huge challenge for me. In these times all people are very busy, so I will try to find elderly person. Most of them are retired on pension, so it will be easier to get them into studio in working day. Also elderly people have lots of live experience, which you can see in their face. In these times all people are very busy, so I will try to find elderly person. Most of them are retired on a pension, so it will be easier to get them into studio in working day.
In my portrait I will use a Rembrandt lighting technique with a black background. Portrait mood, props and pose of course will determine human personality. To know a person will require careful, considerate and professional negotiations. 

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